Sunday, April 13, 2008

The power of your subconscious mind

It happens with me and so i believe it happens ...Think of something , plan for it , start working , you will have times when you are diverted from your target , there will be times when you stop working for it ....but take it from me...dont let a time come when you start believing that you can't do it..just have confidence that you had started .... you had a panoramic view of your ambition atleast made a few steps ....maybe left and right ....even if you think that your progress is not at all good ....(this might be due to your overexpectationswhatever..) conscious of your conscious of your weaknesses...but dont let them dominate your performance......"Your subconscious mind should always have the faith in your abilities because it was this confidence that directed you to this path.."If you just maintain this fine line between "being conscious of your bads...did nots..." and "having {the win win belief} in your subconscious mind" will do your best....for my expeience teaches me that 20% of genuine people fail in "PERFORMING" because they carry a notion that they were "UNDER-PREPARED" over your can win..........a famous saying goes...."EGO is something why some things dont happen and why others that happen take a lot longer to happen..."...i would make a clear statement on ego....." fatal in the preparation stage...but {self-ego}is good in performing.. }...believe in yourself folks......ending on a rather philosophical note for your sub-conscious mind....keep it there...."under all circumstances and with the wisdom God bestowed on you...----I HAVE DONE MY BEST /\ GOD WILL DO THE REST".


bidu said...

hello prodigy....

made me very proud....good that i have inspired you(:D :D) and in a way given the blogging fraternity someting to cheer about......

on a serious note u have dwelled into human thought and cleared the mist for evryone to benefit........really food for thought......will keep this in mind the next time "i get distracted"

ok.......dont forget to return the favor :)

Neha said...

I agree with you, it happens with me all the time... but I must admit, any thought may be as correct and real as the soul... yet it needs just the right cover like the body to present itself to others... and I am impressed by the way you have covered this thought beautifully in the absolutely attractive and provocative body ;)

/\kk| said...

Bravo ,congrats my friend you have won over life & if nt life ,u are certainly a prudent person now

Unknown said...

namaste bhai wah yaar ab toh aap philospher ho gaye>>>>>>>>
jokes apart
really inspiring KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKkkkkkkkkkkkk
keep in touch?>>>>>>>>>

k'sonal_theknowlegend said...

loved your post..."do your best and the GOD will take care of the rest"

truly inspiring....n awesomely written.will always remember whatever u said!!!